• Bella Creo – Boerne

Staunch supporters and drum-beaters for FOTOSEPTIEMBRE USA, Charles and Tami Kegley, artists, gallery owners and community activists, open up the doors of their gallery, Bella Creo, to photography exhibits every year. Aside form curating two other photo exhibits in town, they are hosting Boerne Icons, a series of images of interesting characters and places in Boerne, by both Charles and Tami. The exhibit also includes travel photographs by Boerne resident, Brent Holbert.

Bella Creo. Main entrance.

Tami and Charles Kegley, artists, gallery owners.

Featured artist, Brent Holbert.

Partial view of the exhibit.

Detail of Boerne Icons.

Partial view of the gallery.

One Response to • Bella Creo – Boerne

  1. Hello Dear Hearts….
    Are you still there/here?
    Miss the hugs and the laughs.
    Love my treasured jewelry and think of you often.
    Jere and I are happy………..

    Deb Newell | 7:26 pm on the 18th of September, 2008