• Xóchitl Contemporary Art

We don’t have an award for this, but we can recognize, categorically state, and officially declare, that the designation of smallest and most efficient use of an exhibition space for the FOTOSEPTIEMBRE USA 2008 Festival, goes to Xóchitl Contemporary Art -housed within the Gallista Gallery Art Complex- the brainchild and ward of young artists/entrepreneurs Stephanie Torres and Alejandro Padilla. Their efforts bring a refreshing sense of seriousness and professionalism to San Antonio’s art community. Xóchitl Contemporary Art is hosting the Reinvented Stories exhibit of images by San Antonio artist Rose Cosme.

Entrance to the Xóchitl Contemporary Art exhibition space.

Artists/Owners, Alejandro Padilla and Stephanie Torres.

Featured artist, Rose Cosme.

Partial view of the Reinvented Stories exhibit.

Partial view of the Reinvented Stories exhibit of images by Rose Cosme.

Visitors at the exhibit.

Visitors going into the Xóchitl Contemporary Art space.

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