• Gallery Nord 2

Carla Velíz, featured artist, XXI : Who We Are And Who We Could Become video and video-still installation/exhibit at Gallery Nord.

In XXI, artist Carla Veliz documents the creation of a work on silk. For twenty-one days, Carla tortured her silk canvas in ways that echo society’s ills. Domestic violence, drugs, degradation, neglect, careless offerings of painkilling panaceas.
All are imbedded in the fibers of the piece.

The ensuing twenty-one days capture the painstaking attempt to repair the piece. What emerges is a canvas that is deeply scarred but serenely beautiful. In a video exploration of the role of artist as both creator and interpreter the work, XXI, offers a rare insight into the creative process, distilled to twenty-one minutes of film.

Arturo Almeida, exhibit curator.

Carla and Richard Velíz with Carina Gors, Gallery Director/Owner.

Partial view of the installation/exhibit by Carla Velíz at Gallery Nord.

Partial view of the exhibit by Carla Velíz.

Detail of the exhibit by Carla Velíz.

Detail of the exhibit by Carla Velíz.

Viewing Carla Veliz’s video, XXI : Who We Are And Who We Could Become.

Carla signing her books with stills from her video.

View of the installation from the gallery’s mezzanine.

Jasmina and Steve Wellinghoff.

Philip and Suzanne Arevalo.

Carla Velíz with artist Gary Sweeney.

Carla being photographed next to a part of her installtion/exhibit during the Gallery Nord opening reception.

5 Responses to • Gallery Nord 2

  1. Wow..Carla’s show was amazing. The film really set the tone. I just loved the experience.

    Jeffrey Dyer | 4:00 pm on the 1st of September, 2011

  2. At the end of the video, I felt this strange connection to the silk.

    Rudy Arispe | 4:50 pm on the 1st of September, 2011

  3. Lovely show and the video touches on the beauty and importance of process. The photos isolate and teach the eye to seek out its own vignettes in the video. Be sure to see it…

    claire rhodes stevenson | 9:49 am on the 1st of September, 2011

  4. muchisimas felicidades!, muy interesante, creativo y profundo, te eleva el espiritu, tu obra llena de vida e invita a la reflexion! Me encanto, en si senti que el proceso que llevaste para la realización del lienzo dividido por etapas, son cada una muy especial y de igual importancia, que ya en conjunto logras plasmar la trascendencia del hombre aqui en la tierra convirtiendose en lo que es, por ese camino que nos lleva hacia lo divino.

    Rosy A. de Bobadilla | 1:54 pm on the 1st of September, 2011

  5. This presentation was amazing. To incorporate the video with the silk display made the whole story come to life. The symbolism of destruction followed by restoration and redemption is so relevant to each individual in a different and uniquely personal way.

    Blake Feuge | 9:48 am on the 1st of September, 2011