• Southwest School of Art – Russell Hill Rogers Gallery

Laura McPhee : River Of No Return exhibition curator, Kathy Armstrong, Director of Exhibitions, Southwest School of Art.

Laura McPhee, River Of No Return exhibit, Southwest School of Art.

Laura McPhee, River Of No Return exhibit, Southwest School of Art.

Laura McPhee, River Of No Return exhibit, Southwest School of Art.

Laura McPhee, River Of No Return exhibit, Southwest School of Art.

Laura McPhee, River Of No Return exhibit, Southwest School of Art.

Laura McPhee, River Of No Return exhibit, Southwest School of Art.

Laura McPhee, River Of No Return exhibit, Southwest School of Art.

Laura McPhee, River Of No Return exhibit, Southwest School of Art.

Laura McPhee, River Of No Return exhibit, Southwest School of Art.

Laura McPhee, River Of No Return exhibit, Southwest School of Art.

Laura McPhee, River Of No Return exhibit, Southwest School of Art.

Laura McPhee, River Of No Return exhibit, Southwest School of Art.

Opening reception at the Southwest School of Art.

Opening reception at the Southwest School of Art.

Marilyn Lanfear, Ann Alexander, and Nancy Fullerton.

Daniel Lee, Paula Owen – President, Southwest School of Art, and Margaret Tengyin Lee.

Laura McPhee, River Of No Return exhibit, Southwest School of Art.

Laura McPhee.

Opening remarks by Victor Pagona, Chair of the Photography Department at the Southwest School of Art.

Laura McPhee artist talk.

Laura McPhee artist talk.

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