• Instituto Cultural de México

Chang Chaotang, featured artist, Art & Culture Of Taiwan : Sightlines exhibit, Instituto Cultural de México.

Cheng-Chang Wu, featured artist, Art & Culture Of Taiwan : Vision of Taiwan exhibit, Instituto Cultural de México.

Isa Ho (Meng-Chuan Ho), featured artist, Art & Culture Of Taiwan : Fairy Tales exhibit, Instituto Cultural de México.

Image series by Cheng-Chang Wu.

Image series by Cheng-Chang Wu.

Image series by Cheng-Chang Wu.

Image series by Cheng-Chang Wu.

Image series by Cheng-Chang Wu and Isa Ho.

Image series by Isa Ho.

Images by Cheng-Chang Wu, Chang Chaotang, and Isa Ho.

Image series by Isa Ho.

Images by Isa Ho and Chang Chaotang.

Images by Isa Ho and Chang Chaotang.

Images by Isa Ho.

Images by Isa Ho.

Image series by Chang Chaotang.

Image series by Chang Chaotang.

Image by Chang Chaotang.

Image series by Chang Chaotang.

Image series by Chang Chaotang.

Image Chang Chaotang and Isa Ho.

Art & Culture Of Taiwan exhibit at the Instituto Cultural de México.

Jennifer Shaw, featured artist, Hurricane Story exhibit, Instituto Cultural de México.

Hurricane Story exhibit by Jennifer Shaw.

Hurricane Story exhibit by Jennifer Shaw.

Hurricane Story exhibit by Jennifer Shaw.

Hurricane Story exhibit by Jennifer Shaw.

Images by Jennifer Shaw.

Images by Jennifer Shaw.

Images by Jennifer Shaw.

Images by Jennifer Shaw.

Images by Jennifer Shaw.

Hurricane Story by Jennifer Shaw at the Instituto Cultural de México.

Elise Boularan, featured artist, LookShe : Bémol exhibit, Instituto Cultural de México.

Dita Kubin, featured artist, LookShe : Underneath Skin exhibit, Instituto Cultural de México.

Malin Vulcano, featured artist, LookShe : Booby Trap exhibit, Instituto Cultural de México.

LookShe : Underneath Skin series of images by Dita Kubin.

LookShe : Tokyo Hotel Story series of images by Nathalie Daoust.

LookShe : Bémol series of images by Elise Boularan.

LookShe images by Nathalie Doaust and Malin Vulcano.

LookShe : Booby Trap series of images by Malin Vulcano.

LookShe exhibit.

Images by Elise Boularan.

Images by Nathalie Doaust.

Images by Dita Kubin.

Images by Malin Vulcano.

LookShe exhibit, Instituto Cultural de México.

Mini Series III exhibits by Alex Dorfsman, Tomasz Sobieraj, and Chris Zedano.

Mini Series III exhibits by Alex Dorfsman, Tomasz Sobieraj, and Chris Zedano.

Staple Street Project by Chris Zedano.

Series of Images by Chris Zedano and Alex Dorfsman.

Superficie images by Alex Dorfsman and Banal Objects images by Tomasz Sobieraj.

Images by Alex Dorfsman and Tomasz Sobieraj.

Images by Alex Dorfsman and Tomasz Sobieraj.

A segment of Superficie by Alex Dorfsman.

A segment of Banal Objects by Tomasz Sobieraj.

Images by Chris Zedano.

Mini Series III exhibits by Alex Dorfsman, Tomasz Sobieraj, and Chris Zedano.

FOTOSEPTIEMBRE USA 2011 Signature Exhibits opening reception, Instituto Cultural de México.

FOTOSEPTIEMBRE USA 2011 Signature Exhibits opening reception, Instituto Cultural de México.

FOTOSEPTIEMBRE USA 2011 Signature Exhibits opening reception, Instituto Cultural de México.

FOTOSEPTIEMBRE USA 2011 Signature Exhibits opening reception, Instituto Cultural de México.

FOTOSEPTIEMBRE USA 2011 Signature Exhibits opening reception, Instituto Cultural de México.

FOTOSEPTIEMBRE USA 2011 Signature Exhibits opening reception, Instituto Cultural de México.

Jannifer Shaw and Claudia Maceo Sharp, Manager of The Twig Book Shop, promoting Jennifer Shaw’s Hurricane Story book at the reception.

The Taiwan contingent discussing Isa Ho’s images.

Chang Chaotang, Cheng-Chang Wu, Felix Padron, Isa Ho, and Gabriela Franco.

LookShe artists ready for their close up.

Dita Kubin discussing her work at the opening reception.

Lorena and Bernardo Ortega.

Gary and Nancy Fullerton with Rosanne White.

Bob McKinley and Esther Ng.

Jennifer Shaw with Michaele and David Haynes.

Maria Elena and Richard Mogas with Veronica Prida.

Jim Smyle and Joan Miller.

Isa ho with Daniel Lee at the opening reception.

Chang Chaotang, Jean Hu, Isa Ho, Jim Hu, and Cheng-Chang Wu.

Paula Owen, David Rubin, and Gabriela Franco.

The Fotowerks Camera Club from the South Texas College in McAllen, with instructor/mentor David Freeman.

In the Art & Culture Of  Taiwan exhibit.

In the LookShe exhibit.

In the Mini Series III exhibit.

In the Hurricane Story exhibit.

Planking with Chang Chaotang’s image.

Planking with Isa Ho’s images.

Planking with Jennifer Shaw’s images.

Olmec Planking at the Instituto Cultural de México in San Antonio, Texas.

Northwest Vista College Photography Class, with Adjunct Professor of Art and Humanities/Artist Deborah Keller-Rihn.

Discussing images by the Taiwanese artists in the exhibit.

Discussing images by Isa Ho.

At the LookShe exhibit.

At the Mini Series III exhibit.

At the Mini Series III exhibit.

Looking at images from Jennifer Shaw’s Hurricane Story exhibit.

Deborah Keller-Rihn conducting a discussion with her students on the exhibits at the Instituto Cultural de México

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