SEPTEMBER 1, 2004 | WALKER PICKERING Musicians Curated by Lara August Robot Art Gallery 724 South Alamo, Suite 3 San Antonio, TX 78205 Exhibit on display: August 1 - September 30, 2004 Opening reception: Wednesday, September 1, 4 - 6 pm Viewing hours: Mon - Fri, 9 am - 5 pm Contact: Vrinda Ravindran (210) 476-8801 | | FAUSTINUS DERAET Being Observed Las Palomas 3201 Bee Caves Road # 122, Austin, TX 78246-6696 (512) 327-9889 Exhibit on display: August 27 - September 28, 2004 | | SEPTEMBER 2, 2004 | MARY ANN SMOTHERS BRUNI JONATHAN CALVERT Explorers And Discoverers Curated by George Neubert San Antonio Central Library 600 Soledad San Antonio, TX 78205 Exhibit on display: September 2 - September 30, 2004 Opening reception: Thursday, September 2, 5:30 - 7:30 pm Viewing hours: Mon - Thu, 9 am - 9 pm; Fri - Sat, 9 am - 5 pm Sun, 11 am - 5 pm Contact: Tracey Bennett (210) 225-4728 extension 1 | | CECILIA E. ZEPEDA-SCHWARTZOTT The Heavenly Earth / La Tierra Celestial Curated by Isabel Rico Instituto De México 600 Hemisfair Park San Antonio, TX 78205 Exhibit on display: September 2 - October 2, 2004 Opening reception: Thursday, September 2, 7 pm Viewing hours: Tue - Fri, 10 am - 5 pm; Sat - Sun, 12 - 5 pm Contact: Isabel Rico (210) 212-6333 | | KATHY VARGAS Windows: Open And Closed Textures Gallery 4026 McCullough, San Antonio, TX 78212 (210) 822-9727 Exhibit on display: August 17 - October 2, 2004 | | SEPTEMBER 3, 2004 | JEFFREY BECOM Maya Color Co-Curated by Al Rendon and John Cleary Gallery, Houston Rendon Photography & Fine Art 733 South Alamo San Antonio, TX 78205 Exhibit on display: September 3 - October 30, 2004 Opening reception: Friday, September 3, 7 - 10 pm Viewing hours: By appointment after opening reception Contact: Al Rendon (210) 225-2287 | | HEALING ARTS PROJECT Fotos On The Fly Images By Children And Youth Of BAPTIST CHILDREN’S HOME BENITIA FAMILY CENTER BOYS & GIRLS CLUB SAINT PETER-SAINT JOSEPH CHILDREN’S HOME SETON HOME Curated by Mary Cantú, Adrienne Harmon Jeannette MacDougall, Dianne Monroe and Leora Uribe Blend 1502 South Flores San Antonio, TX 78204 Exhibit on display: September 1 - 26, 2004 Opening reception: Friday, September 3, 6 - 9 pm Viewing hours: By appointment after opening reception Contact: Adrienne Harmon (210) 421-2787 | | GRACIELA ITURBIDE Ojos Para Volar / Eyes To Fly Curated by Connie Todd Blue Star Contemporary Art Center 116 Blue Star, San Antonio, TX 78204 Exhibit on display: September 3 - October 10, 2004 Opening reception: Friday, September 3, 7 - 10 pm Viewing hours: Wed - Sun, 12 - 6 pm Contact: Chris Gutierrez (210) 227-6960 This exhibit features images of South Texas land and ranches commissioned by Blue Star; and a selection of Iturbide’s classic images from the permanent collection of the Wittliff Gallery Of Southwestern & Mexican photography. Additional exhibits by Ron Binks, Rose Cosme and Rick Hunter are also on display in the Blue Star Art Space galleries. | | LARRY LEISSNER, ROBERT McAN Big Digital Photos REM Gallery-Blue Star Arts Complex 117 Blue Star #3, San Antonio, TX 78204 (210) 224-1227 Exhibit on display: August 26 - September 30, 2004 | | ARTURO ALMEIDA, RICK HUNTER, KATHY VARGAS Group Show Joan Grona Gallery 112 Blue Star, San Antonio, TX 78204 (210) 225-6334 Exhibit on display: September 3 - September 25, 2004 | | RICARDO ROMO Ricardo Romo: Havana Joan Grona Gallery 112Blue Star, San Antonio, TX 78204 (210) 225-6334 Exhibit on display: September 3 - September 25, 2004 | | SAY SI MIDDLE & HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS Images Of Home Say Si, 1414 South Alamo, Blue Star Arts Complex, San Antonio, TX 78210 (210) 212-8666 Exhibit on display: September 3 - September 30, 2004 | | KIM SMITH My Texas Heroes Blue Star Brewing Company 1414 South Alamo, San Antonio, TX 78210 (210) 212-5506 Exhibit on display: September 1 - 30, 2004 | | LORA ALANIZ, LEONARD MARTINEZ TYLER RUTHERFORD & OTHERS Fotoseptiembre Group Exhibit El Sol Studios 936 South Alamo, San Antonio, TX 78210 (210) 226-9700 Exhibit on display: September 3 - September 28, 2004 | | DONALD STONE Images From Around The World Stone - Montero Studio 1015 South Presa, San Antonio, TX 78210 (210) 392-9365 Exhibit on display: September 3 - 30, 2004 | | JOHN MOLER Build Them And They Will Come Huisache Grill 303 West San Antonio Street, New Braunfels, TX 78130 (830) 620-9001 Exhibit on display: September 1 - October 30, 2004 | | SEPTEMBER 5, 2004 | PAMELA WESSEL American Idols - A Tribute Northernlight Fine Art Imaging 305 Brand Road Bulverde, TX 78163 Exhibit on display: September 5 - September 26, 2004 Opening reception: Sunday, September 5, 1 - 6 pm Viewing hours: Tue - Sat, 4 - 7 pm Contact: Pamela Wessel (830) 438-3686 | | ANSEN SEALE Line Of Sight Cappyccino’s 5003 Broadway, San Antonio, TX 78209 (210) 828-6860 Exhibit on display: September 5 - October 17, 2004 | | SEPTEMBER 7, 2004 | GUILLERMO ROBLES CALLEJO El Gran Circo Beas Vintage Photographs from the Fototeca Antica Collection of Jorge Carretero Madrid Curated by Jose Antonio Rodriguez Witte Museum 3801 Broadway San Antonio, TX 78209 Exhibit on display: September 7, 2004 - January 9, 2005 Viewing hours: Tue, 10 am - 9 pm; Wed - Sat, 10 am - 5 pm Sun, 12 - 5 pm Contact: Mimi Quintanilla (210) 357-1900 Guillermo Robles Callejo (1891-1934) was a founding member of the Club Fotográfico de Puebla. His photographs of the itinerant Gran Circo Beas were made between 1920-1925. The prints in the exhibit are made from the original nitrocellulose negatives. Aside from the Circo Beas series, Callejo made a unique series of stereoscopic images using a German, Ica Polyscap camera. He also recorded many other photographic images of diverse scenes from his city, Puebla, México. | | SEPTEMBER 8, 2004 | VARIOUS ARTISTS The Funky Camera Photo Show Curated by The San Antonio Funky Camera Society River City Silver 5103 McCullough San Antonio, TX 78212 Exhibit on display: September 8 - October 31, 2004 Opening reception: Wednesday, September 8, 6 - 8 pm Viewing hours: Mon - Fri, 8:30 am - 6 pm Contact: Susan Auderer (210) 734-2020 | | RAMIN SAMANDARI Sacred Landscapes Curated by Diana Roberts Center For Spirituality And The Arts 4707 Broadway San Antonio, TX 78209 Exhibit on display: September 1 - October 17, 2004 Opening reception: Wednesday, September 8, 6 - 8 pm Viewing hours: Mon - Fri, 10 am - 5 pm Sat, 1 pm - 4 pm Contact: Diana Roberts (210) 829-5980 | | JOSEPH DIAL Hojas Misteriosas AnArte Gallery 5800 Broadway #202, San Antonio, TX 78209 (210) 826-5674 Exhibit on display: September 1 - 30, 2004 | | SEPTEMBER 9, 2004 | DEVAUN KITE Primary Colors Curated by Krisanne Frost GalerIa Ortíz 102 Concho (Market Square) San Antonio, TX 78207 Exhibit on display: September 9 - October 9, 2004 Opening reception: Thursday, September 9, 6 - 8 pm Viewing hours: Tue - Fri, 10 am - 5 pm; Sat, 10 am - 6 pm Sun, 11 am - 5 pm Contact: Lisa Ortíz (210) 225-0731 | | JENNIFER L. F. McNICHOLS The Fun Machine Curated by Michael Mehl UNAM San Antonio 600 Hemisfair Park San Antonio, TX 78205 Exhibit on display: August 30 - September 30, 2004 Opening reception: Thursday, September 9, 6 pm Viewing hours: Mon - Thu, 9 am - 5 pm; Fri, 9 am - 4 pm Contact: Olivia López (210) 222-8626 extension 30 Reception courtesy of Aldaco’s Restaurant | | GILDA ROEL Presencias Curated by Gilda Roel Instituto De México 600 Hemisfair Park San Antonio, TX 78205 Exhibit on display: September 9 - October 31, 2004 Opening reception: Thursday, September 9, 7 pm Viewing hours: Tue - Fri, 10 am - 5 pm; Sat - Sun, 12 - 5 pm Contact: Isabel Rico (210) 212-6333 | | TOM WRIGHT Double Vision: Tom Wright Photographs Roger Hill Rogers Galleries-Navarro Campus Corner of Augusta & Navarro Southwest School Of Art & Craft 300 Augusta San Antonio, TX 78205 Exhibit on display: September 9 - October 31, 2004 Opening reception: Thursday, September 9, 5:30 - 7:30 pm Viewing hours: Mon - Sat, 9 am - 5 pm; Sun, 11 am - 4 pm Contact: Teri Aguilar or Paula Owen (210) 224-1848 | | SEPTEMBER 10, 2004 | VINTAGE PHOTOGRAPHS FROM THE TINO DURAN COLLECTION Mi Viejo San Antonio Galeria Expresión-Centro Cultural Aztlán Las Palmas Mall, 803 Castroville Road, Suite 402 San Antonio, TX 78237 Exhibit on display: September 10 - October 8, 2004 Opening reception: Friday, September 10, 6:30 - 8:30 pm Viewing hours: Mon - Fri, 10 am - 5 pm Contact: Malena Gonzalez-Cid or Ramon Vásquez Y Sánchez (210) 432-1896 Collection courtesy of La Prensa Publications | | ANNIE EVANS, AURORA HARADA BARBARA JEAN HENDRICKS Old Tejas Today The Gallery At Blue Star 125 Blue Star #7, San Antonio, TX 78204 (210) 834-0262, (210) 653-2019 Exhibit on display: September 3 - September 26, 2004 | | JAN BARFIELD Details The Friedrich Building 1617 East Commerce @ Olive San Antonio, TX 78205 Exhibit on display: September 1 - October 15, 2004 Opening reception: Friday, September 10, 6 - 9 pm Viewing hours: Mon - Fri, 9 am - 5 pm, and by appointment Contact: Eugene Simor (210) 225-3555, (210) 872-5589 | | YOSSEPH SHARABANI NY / BW The Friedrich Building 1617 East Commerce @ Olive, San Antonio, TX 78205 (210) 225-3555 Exhibit on display: September 1 - October 15, 2004 | | SEPTEMBER 11, 2004 | SUSAN ASPINAL BLOCK DARLEEN GERACE DALY PAT MARINCE The Natural Eye - Fotoseptiembre 3 Organized by the Cibolo Arts Council Cibolo Nature Center PO Box 9 City Park Road Boerne, TX 78006-0009 Exhibit on display: September 11 - 26, 2004 Opening reception: Saturday, September 11, 7:30 pm Musical guest: One Minute to Midnight playing at 8:30 pm Viewing hours: Mon - Fri, 9 am - 3 pm Sat, 9 am - 1 pm Sun, 1 - 5 pm Contact: Mary Morton (210) 698-1412, (210) 566-2968 | | NATHALIE DAOUST Tokyo Girls Lenticular Prints Curated by Michael Mehl ONE9ZERO6 Gallery 1906 South Flores San Antonio, TX 78204 Exhibit on display: September 1 - October 5, 2004 Opening reception: Saturday, September 11, 6 - 9 pm Viewing hours: Mon - Fri, 10 am - 5 pm Contact: Andy Benavides (210) 227-5718 Sponsored by: ONE9ZERO6 Gallery. With support from  and Nowe Media. | | JUAN PABLO FERNANDEZ Fiesta Brava: The Valor, The Passion, And The Art Of Bullfighting Gallista Gallery 1913 South Flores San Antonio, TX 78204 Exhibit on display: September 11 - October 6, 2004 Opening reception: Saturday, September 11, 6:30 - 9:30 pm Viewing hours: Fri - Sat, 11 am - 5 pm, and by appointment Contact: Joe López (210) 212-8606 Juan Pablo Fernández (210) 393-3966 Sponsored by Cerveza Mexicali | | SEPTEMBER 12, 2004 | BOBBY NATANSON Bobby Natanson’s 21st Century Vaudeville Show Video Projections & Musical Performance Urban 15 Studios 2500 South Presa San Antonio, TX 78210 Performance date and times: Sunday, September 12, 2 pm and 4 pm Contact: Bobby Natanson (210) 736-0547 or George Cisneros (210) 736-1500 Produced by Bobby Natanson and Urban 15. Musicians: Bobby Natanson, Hamilton Price, Heing Frommeyer, Hans Frank. Donations accepted at the door. | | MIKE GREENBERG, MICHAEL NYE AL RENDON, KATHY VARGAS Gemini Ink Inkstravaganza The Witte Museum, Praessel Auditorium 3891 Broadway, San Antonio, TX 78209 (210) 357-1900 Exhibit on display: 3 - 5 pm. Sunday, September 12, 2004 | | SEPTEMBER 15, 2004 | VARIOUS ARTISTS Piatti Restaurant 255 East Basse Road San Antonio, TX 78209 Exhibit on display: September 1 - 15, 2004 Celebrity Chef Reception and Silent Auction: Wednesday, September 15, 5 - 8 pm Viewing hours: Restaurant hours Contact: Dan Ward (210) 832-0300 Piatti Restaurant, the San Antonio Area Tourism Council and the San Antonio Soccer Club present the fifth annual Arts-E-Fotos (local photographers making images that somehow include a plate). All door and silent auction proceeds to benefit the San Antonio Area Tourism Council and the San Antonio Soccer Club. | | SEPTEMBER 16, 2004 | LUIS GISPERT Luis Gispert ArtPace 445 North Main San Antonio, TX 78205-1441 Exhibit on display: July 29 - October 18, 2004 Opening reception: Thursday, September 16, 6:30 - 8 pm Viewing hours: Wed - Sun, 12 - 5 pm; Thu, 12 - 8 pm Contact: Trisha Tanner (210) 212-4900 extension 117 Image courtesy of ArtPace. All prints are from Luis Gispert’s Urban Myth Pt 1 series. | | AL RENDON Colores Del Río Artistic Endeavors Gallery La Villita, Building #25 San Antonio, TX 78205 Exhibit on display: September 16 - October 31, 2004 Opening reception: Thursday, September 16, 6 - 9 pm Viewing hours: Mon - Sat, 10 am - 6 pm Contact: Denise Barron (210) 222-2497 | | SEPTEMBER 17, 2004 | BILL WITTLIFF Vaquero: Genesis Of The Texas Cowboy Songs Of The Vaquero: Folk music from the tradition of the Vaquero and the Texas cowboy Curated by Connie Todd Wittliff Gallery Of Southwestern & Mexican Photography Alkek Library, 7th Floor Texas State University, San Marcos, TX 78666 Exhibit on display: April 3 - October 17, 2004 Songs Of The Vaquero presentation: Friday, September 17, 4 - 6 pm Viewing hours: Mon, Wed, Thu, 8 am - 5 pm; Tue, 8 am - 9 pm Sat, 9 am - 5 pm; sun 2 - 6 pm Closed holidays and semester breaks Contact: Connie Todd (512) 245-2313 Drafted by historian Joe Frantz in the early seventies to witness one of the last traditional roundups on Mexico’s vast Rancho Tule, Bill Wittliff fixed the vanishing vaquero tradition forever in five thousand photographs taken over a period of three years. More than 60 of the finest sepia-toned prints from the Gallery’s permanent collection are on exhibit in celebration of the publication of Wittliff’s first monograph: Vaquero: Genesis Of The Texas Cowboy, from UT Press. | | JODY AKE Likeness Recycled Works - RC Gallery 222 Roosevelt, San Antonio, TX 78210 (210) 222-9404 Exhibit on display: September 17 - 30, 2004 | | SEPTEMBER 18, 2004 | RICK HUNTER Ten Years: Rick Hunter Photojournals CARMEN RUIZ Photographs Rockport Center For The Arts 902 Navigation Circle Rockport, TX 78382 Exhibit on display: September 15 - October 10, 2004 Opening reception: Saturday, September 18, 5 - 7 pm Viewing hours: Tue - Sat, 10 am - 4 pm; Sun, 1 - 4 pm Contact: Debbie Luce (361) 729-5519 | | SEPTEMBER 21, 2004 | CLIVE AMOR POLLY HARRISON Facing The Music Curated by Michael Mehl Airport Art Spaces Terminals 1 and 2 San Antonio International Airport 9800 Airport Boulevard San Antonio, TX 78216 Exhibit on display: September - December, 2004 Opening reception: Terminal 1 Gallery, Tuesday, September 21, 6 - 8 pm Viewing hours: 24 / 7 Contact: Barbara Prossen (210) 207-3450 | | MARY ANN SMOTHERS BRUNI Los Pastores: A Retrospective Curated by Adan Benavides Benson Latin American Collection Sid Richardson Hall, University Of Texas-Austin Red River & Clyde Littlefield Drive Austin, TX 78712 Exhibit on display: September 21, 2004 - January 12, 2005 Opening reception: Tuesday, September 21, 5 - 7 pm Viewing hours: Mon - Fri, 9 am - 6 pm; Sat, 1 - 5 pm: Sun, 2 - 8 pm Contact: Adan benavides (512) 495-4520 | | SEPTEMBER 25, 2004 | WILLIAM D’AMATO European Aperture D’Amato Studio 315 Burr Road San Antonio, TX 78209 Exhibit on display: September 25 - October 24, 2004 Opening reception: Saturday, September 25, 6 - 9 pm Viewing hours: By appointment after opening reception Contact: William D’Amato (210) 822-3444 | | OCTOBER 6, 2004 | TOM NICCUM Fingerprints Curated by Michael Mehl City Of San Antonio International Center 203 South Saint Mary’s San Antonio, TX 78205 Exhibit on display: September 15 - December 31, 2004 Opening reception: Wednesday, October 6, 5:30 - 8 pm Viewing hours: Mon - Fri, 9 am - 5 pm; Sun, 11 am - 5 pm Contact: Colleen Swain (210) 207-4089 With support from: The City Of San Antonio Office Of Cultural Affairs & Department Of Asset Management Reception sponsored by: The International Municipal Lawyers Association | | |