Welcome to our new and improved FOTOSEPTIEMBRE USA-SAFOTO web site.

Our new design and user-friendly features are the result of months of diligent work by Ann Kinser, Paul Vaughn and myself.

With even more information and features than ever before, our site is more nimble and functional; navigation is easier, and the pages load much faster in all commonly used browsers.

Also, as a nod to the many thousands who access our web site with their PDA’s, our main navigation links are located top left on the page, allowing quicker access from smaller screens.

Our SAFOTO WEB GALLERIES are presented in a new format, featuring larger images, and rows of quick-access, thumbnail previews for better browsing.

This BLOG replaces the old FORUM section of our site, with three main categories for posts:

1- FOTOSEPTIEMBRE USA, where we post ongoing information and images from the most current FOTOSEPTIEMBRE USA Festival.
2- PHOTOGRAPHY • DIGITAL ARTS • THE WEB, where we post timely information on opportunities and resources for digital and photography-based, artists.
3- ARTS • POLITICS, where we post general references and opinions on a wide spectrum of topics related to arts and politics worldwide.

Our FOTOSEPTIEMBRE USA 2008 Schedule of Exhibitions and Events is available in two improved formats: A scroll-down, chronologically sequenced, Web Page; and a printable, downloadable PDF file.

We thank our gracious and generous 2008 Festival Partners:

• Instituto Cultural De Mexico in San Antonio, the cultural mission of Mexico’s Foreign Affairs Ministry in South Texas -with whom we enjoy a renewed collaboration- who are presenting in their four galleries, the main segments of the FOTOSEPTIEMBRE USA 2008 Signature Exhibits.
• Rendon Photography & Fine Art -the only art gallery in San Antonio specializing in fine art photography- who are hosting two Signature Exhibits for the FOTOSEPTIEMBRE USA 2008 Festival.
• SAPL Imaging -San Antonio’s premier digital imaging service- who are the print sponsors for the Mini Series group of exhibits I’ve curated this year for the Festival.

Additionally, FOTOSEPTIEMBRE USA is part of the Fall Art Festivals, an initiative by the City of San Antonio’s Office of Cultural Affairs, that packages and promotes a series of festivals that take place in San Antonio, between September and December, every year.

We look forward to hearing from you and seeing you at the exhibitions and events of the 2008 FOTOSEPTIEMBRE USA International Photography Festival.


Michael Mehl
Festival Director

2 Responses to • WELCOME

  1. Hi Michael and Ann,
    A great job on both the exhibit and the website. I’m proud to be a part of this FotoSeptiembreUSA!

    Phel | 12:46 pm on the 18th of July, 2008

  2. Excellent job! Beautiful exhibits and website. Foto Septiembre USA has such diverse yet high quality content and participation.

    Philip | 12:54 pm on the 18th of July, 2008