• Rendon Photography & Fine Art

Two of the FOTOSEPTIEMBRE USA 2008 Signature Exhibits (the Signature Exhibits present the work of artists selected by the festival) are hosted by Rendon Photography & Fine Art, featuring El Color Del Tiempo, a series of images by Jorge Pablo de Aguinaco, from Mexico City; and Cuba Land Of Spirit, a series of images by James Sparshatt, from London. Both artists are extensively published and were signing books at the opening receptions on September 4 and 5 (First Friday), late into the night.

Rendon Photography & Fine Art.

Detail of the gallery exterior.

Featured artist, James Sparshatt, from London.

Featured artist, Jorge Pablo de Aguinaco, from Mexico City.

Al and Liz Rendon, gallery owners and directors.

Detail of James Sparshatt’s exhibit.

Detail of Jorge Pablo de Aguinaco’s exhibit.

David and Mimi Quintanilla-Schmidt admiring James Sparshatt’s work.

Photographer David Silvan studying Jorge Pablo de Aguinaco’s images.

James Sparshatt discussing his work.

Jorge Pablo de Aguinaco and Little Rose.

Photographer Trish Simonite admiring Jorge Pablo de Aguinaco’s images.

Bart Nichols, and Artist Foundation Founder Patricia Pratchett, taking in James Sparshatt’s work.

Rosemary Catacalos, Gemini Ink Executive Director, and Jorge Pablo de Aguinaco.

Photographer Reiko Imoto with Jorge Pablo de Aguinaco going over a copy of his book, El Color Del Tiempo.

Al Rendon and James Sparshatt, sharing a classic guy moment, comparing hardware.

Shootout at the Rendon Corral. Jorge Pablo de Aguinaco, Peter Smith, Al Rendon, James Sparshatt, and Reiko Imoto.

DJ Tony Rocha, and florist Henry de Leon, visiting with Jorge Pablo de Aguinaco.

Enrique Rendon, the nonagenarian Rendon family patriarch.

Featured artists Jorge Pablo de Aguinaco and James Sparshatt, with Al and Liz Rendon, and Ann Kinser.

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