• Mandala

Mandala Gallery, located on the Northwest corner of the Blanco-Fulton Roundabout, is a recent and lively addition to San Antonio’s art scene. Owned and managed by Pramod Goshai and his wife, it is a gift shop, gallery, performance space, and occasional Indian food diner. For FOTOSEPTIEMBRE USA 2008, Mandala presents the Edge Of Image exhibit with work by local photographers Dianne Monroe and Altug Icilensu.

Mandala. Main entrance.

Featured artist, Dianne Monroe.

Featured artist, Altug Icilensu.

Pramod Goshai, Mandala’s owner.

Detail of Dianne Monore’s exhibit.

Detail of Altug Icilensu’s exhibit.

Partial view of the Mandala gallery exhibit.

Partial view of the Mandala gallery exhibit.

Altug Icilensu discussing his images with gallery attendees.

Diner section of Mandala.

Delicious, savory, home-made Indian delicacies by Pramod Goshai.

Exterior side view of Mandala.

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