• Bismarck Studios

Bismarck Studios -easily the Northernmost San Antonio gallery participating in FOTOSEPTIEMBRE USA 2008- is located on Proton, between Sonterra Boulevard and Loop 1604, nestled in an arboreal corner of an otherwise non-descript modern strip center. Christa Brothers, Bismarck Studios’ owner is providing a much needed art oasis for the new-money crowd out yonder. The exhibit, Night And Day, features large-scale canvas prints of nature images by Scott Martin.

Bismarck Studios. Main entrance.

Featured artist, Scott Martin.

Christa Brothers, gallery owner and director.

Partial view of Scott Martin’s exhibit at Bismarck Studios.

Partial view of the gallery and exhibit.

Partial view of the exhibit.

Detail of Scott Martin’s exhibit.

Detail of the exhibit. All the images are long-exposure, nighttime photographs.

Another detail from the exhibit.

Ann Kinser and Christa Brothers discussing Scott Martin’s images.

Scott Martin documenting his exhibit.

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