July 2009 Opportunities & Resources

Noovo Editions is an independent editorial project with online and paper editions.

First of its kind in Spain from an unique and contemporary perspective on the international panorama, Noovo seeks not only to be an aesthetic arbiter but also a cultural mediator at the juncture between Fashion, Photography & Jewellery.

A platform to show the highest level of creativity from around the world.

For particular interest to photographers is the Noovo’s Talenti Photo Section, which features portfolio galleries for photographers worldwide.

Photography: photographyeditor@noovoeditions.com

© Edoardo Belinci

© Edoardo Belinci

© Anton Solomoukha

© Anton Solomoukha

© Julie Blackmon

© Julie Blackmon

Noovo Editions
Contemporary Fashion, Photography and Jewellery
c/Consell de Cent 180 5C
08015 Barcelona, Spain
Phone: +00 34 93 519 75 08




The New Orleans Photo Alliance is seeking photography-based works that explore the theme of spirits and the spiritual world during the season of Halloween and All Saints Day. Submissions may include but are not limited to: documentary, fine art, and conceptual images that depict or evoke the spiritual, supernatural and unearthly; including places, people and rituals here on earth which relate to the topic. The show will be juried by Russell Joslin, editor and publisher of Shots Magazine.

Selected entries will be exhibited in the New Orleans Photo Alliance Gallery during the months of October and November 2009. They will also be featured and archived in the Alliance’s online gallery and considered for publication in the New Orleans Photo Alliance Best of 2009 Photo Annual. In addition, the juror will award cash prizes.

About the Juror

Russell Joslin is the sole Owner, Editor and Publisher of SHOTS Magazine, an independent, reader-supported quarterly journal of fine art photography now in its 23rd year of publication. SHOTS is known for its democratic presentation of work by a variety of photographers from around the world. Also a photographer, Joslin’s personal work is concerned with dreams, combines introspection with dark humor, and explores complex emotion through discovered environments. He has exhibited his photographs in numerous solo and group shows throughout the US, and has been published internationally. Joslin also serves as a perennial reviewer at Fotofest, Photolucida and PhotoNOLA. He lives and works in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Please visit his website at http://russelljoslin.com and the SHOTS website at http://shotsmag.com


Deadline for submissions: Monday, August 24, 12:00 midnight
Notification of acceptance: Monday, August 31
Deadline for receiving accepted works: Tuesday, September 22
Opening reception: Thursday, October 1, 6-9 pm
Exhibition dates: October 1 – November 22, 2009

Submission Guidelines

Eligibility: Open to photographers of all levels, who use any photographic process. All art submitted must be original work created by the applicant.

Non-Refundable Entry Fee payable online via PayPal

Members: $25
Non-members: $35
Membership + Submission: $60

Photographers are encouraged to enter up to 5 images. Please follow the link below to submit online and to view the submission guidelines:


-Include up to 5 images per submission.
-Please save digital files in jpeg format at 72 dpi and 800 pixels on the longest dimension.
-Title each image file as:(lastname_firstname_title_print-type_framed-size_entrynumber)
-Accepted work should be presented professionally, wired and ready to hang.
-Work that arrives after the delivery deadline will not be included in the exhibit.
-Shipped work must have return postage included in package.
-Artwork will be insured while on premises. Insurance during shipping is the artist’s responsibility.
-Sales/ Commissions: 70% Artist and 30% Photo Alliance

Accepted works should be mailed to:

New Orleans Photo Alliance
3110 Magazine St., #134
New Orleans, LA 70115

June 2009 Opportunities & Resources


The Department of Psychiatry of the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio is interested in offering “wall space” to artists within our community.  We ask artists to submit images (by email) to our art committee for review and selection.  If selected, the art will be displayed for 6 months. Individuals interested in the purchase of the art displayed will contact the artist directly. 

Images should be submitted with name, title, year, medium, size, purchase price and any special installation requirements.  Artist’s personal statement should accompany submissions.

Accepted work will be delivered by the artist to Department of Psychiatry, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, 7703 Floyd Curl Drive, 78229.  At the conclusion of the exhibit artists will pick up their work.

All reasonable care will be given to work submitted but the Department of Psychiatry and the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio will not be responsible for any loss or damage to the work submitted.

Images should be submitted to Dr. Lawrence S. Schoenfeld (Schoenfeldl@UTHSCSA.EDU) by June 15, 2009.  Artists will be notified of selection by   June 30, 2009.

Lawrence S. Schoenfeld, Ph.D. ABPP
Director, Clinical Psychology Residency and Fellow Programs
Department of Psychiatry
University of Texas Health Science Center
7703 Floyd Curl Drive
San Antonio, Texas 78229

May 2009 Opportunities & Resources


Instructor: Ansen Seale

May 21-25, 2009, AS Gage Ranches, Marathon, Texas

Cost: $1600 per person (includes all meals and lodging)

The A.S. Gage Ranch is one of Texas’ best kept secrets. Founded in 1885, it has rarely been opened to outsiders, but while you’re here, think of it as your own private photography preserve! Guided access to its more than 200,000 sprawling acres gives you the perfect opportunity to tune your inner eye and practice the techniques that are guaranteed to improve your knowledge of photography and Photoshop.

The ranch abounds in wildlife, history, and spectacular scenery. The mountain and canyon vistas are the best West Texas has to offer! From antelope, elk and hawk to prehistoric Indian pictographs, to traces of the old Commanche Trail, you’ll be photographing the real history of the old west. This ain’t no dude ranch!

Your accommodations will be the rustic but comfortable main ranch house with couples and dormitory style rooms. With all the things to see and photograph, you’ll really work up an appetite. Our hearty southwest meals, prepared on site, are sure to satisfy. (Just let us know if you have any special dietary requirements. We’re happy to accommodate you.)

Your instructor Ansen Seale is an artist and professional photographer based in San Antonio, Texas. His artwork has been exhibited in galleries and museums in Los Angeles, Chicago, Dallas, Houston, Copenhagen, Buenos Aires, and the Canary Islands.

Seale’s experience as a university photography instructor, lecturer and workshop clinician gives him the skills to guide you in exploring and creating your own personal vision. His 18 years of Photoshop experience and his real-world knowledge of digital image making will give you valuable, up-to-date skills. And his energetic, yet easy-going teaching style will make your learning experience enjoyable and memorable.

Your instruction will be personal and you can customize your experience to suit your needs and learning style.


– Digital SLR Camera
– Laptop computer (Mac or PC) with Photoshop CS2 or CS3 installed
– A basic working knowledge of Photoshop
– Basic photography skills
– Battery charging equipment
– An appetite for learning!

Optional equipment

– Tripod or monopod
– Panorama head for tripod

For more information or to sign up, contact us Here.

Cancellation Policy

There is a non-refundable deposit of 10% for your trip. If you book your trip more than 60 days in advance, this 10% will be charged first and will hold your reservation. The balance will be charged 60 days before the trip. If you cancel your participation in the workshop more than 60 days prior to the start date you will receive a refund of the workshop fee minus the non-refundable deposit (90% of the total). If you cancel between 59 and 30 days before the trip, you will receive a 50% refund of the total. Cancellations less than 30 days before the workshop will receive no refund.

In the unlikely event that we have to cancel the workshop for some reason, you will receive a 100% refund.



Workshop Di Fotografia Con Pino Musi

16-17 e 30-31 maggio 2009

4 giorni con Pino Musi per capire come interpretare una architettura nel suo insieme. In interno ed esterno saranno presi in considerazione due edifici ed il loro ambiente. Teoria e pratica per ridare in fotografia volumi, spazi, strutture, materiali e forme progettate per la cultura.

Aperto a tutti i fotografi con buona esperienza.

E possibile iscriversi anche inviando un messaggio di posta elettronica
a galleria@consarc-ch.com indicando tutti i dati richiesti nel formulario.


GALLERIA CONS ARC,  Via F.Borromini 2
6830  CHIASSO (Svizzera)
tel +41(0)91 6837949


April 2009 Opportunities & Resources


La Bourse De Talent 2009: Un Tremplin Pour La Profession.

Le magazine Photographie.com présente la nouvelle édition 2009 de La Bourse du Talent.
Depuis 1998, la Bourse du Talent, initiée par Photographie.com, vise à soutenir individuellement ou collectivement de jeunes photographes et en particulier à les aider à réaliser un premier dossier, une exposition et à se faire connaître.

Kodak Professionnel, les laboratoires Picto, Prophot et la Bibliothèque nationale de France continuent à soutenir La Bourse du Talent. C’est au tour, de Nikon de rejoindre les partenaires de l’événement.

Les nouveautés de cette éditions 2009 :
– L’arrivée d’une quatrième Bourse du Talent Beauté / Mode / Studio
, mode 
– Nikon rejoint les partenaires de la Bourse du Talent
– De nouvelles dotations (voir règlement


La Bourse du Talent a lieu 4 fois par an sur différents thèmes.

Veuillez trouver les différents thèmes avec leur calendrier (date limite de dépôt des dossiers et date de délibération du jury).

Le Jury est renouvelé à chaque édition de la Bourse. Il est composé de cinq professionnels de la photographie, désignés par le comité éditorial de Photographie.com. 

• 37ème Bourse du Talent : Reportage
Date limite de dépôt des dossiers : 
=> 20 avril 2009
Le jury se réunira le 19 mai 2009 à 15 heures.

• 38ème Bourse du Talent : Portrait
Date limite de dépôt des dossiers : 
=> 02 juin 2009
Le jury se réunira le 25 juin 2009 à 15 heures.

• 39ème Bourse du Talent : Beauté / Mode / Studio
Date limite de dépôt des dossiers : 
=> 07 septembre 2009
Le jury se réunira le 01 octobre 2009 à 15 heures.

• 40ème Bourse du Talent : Espace / Paysage / Architecture
Date limite de dépôt des dossiers :
=> 05 octobre 2009
Le jury se réunira le 02 novembre 2009 à 15 heures.



At The Photographer’s Place, fine art photographer, Mark MacKinnon, and his wife Jee-Sook, a graphic designer, offer unique services to interior designers, architects, and corporate art buyers.

The Photographer’s Place provides a full range of services that include scanning, retouching, design, digital printing and custom archival framing in the workshop/gallery at 508 Main Street in Beacon, New York.
The Photographer’s Place also shows work by emerging fine art photographers. See information below.
We are currently reviewing portfolios and websites for upcoming group shows in our new 1200 sq. ft. exhibition space, adjacent to our printing and framing studio, on Main Street in Beacon, New York. Openings coincide with second Saturday in Beacon with the monthy gallery walk. Located 50 miles from Manhattan on the Hudson River, with a Metro North train stop (from Grand Central). Beacon has many art galleries & is home to the Dia art museum and draws from the NYC metro area, and beyond. We charge a hanging fee of $290/per exhibitor. We limit the group show to up to three photographers, with consistent themes. We do not charge any commission on sales. Exhibitors are responsible for hosting the opening, and any costs associated. We will host the exhibitors work on our website, and make the work available to art buyers through the maketing efforts of the photographers place. Work should be framed and meet gallery standards. The show runs for one month. Printing and framing is available at a 20% discount for exhibitors. Please send us an email with a link to your website, or send .jpg images for review. Call with any questions.



curated by: 
Penelope Petsini 
(guest curator) 

17th issue’s theme:
Themis Martekas 
(guest curator) 
deadline for submissions:
30 March 2009
more info on submitting: 
Greek magazine on photography 
PO Box 1613, Porto Rafti 19003, Greece 


March 2009 Opportunities & Resources


From January 2009, as part of Images, the Festival of Visual Arts in Vevey, Switzerland, the Foundation Vevey: Ville d’Images is inviting entries for the 5th European First Film Awards and the 7th International Vevey Photo Awards. With complete freedom of choice as regards subject matter and genre, these bi-annual competitions provide precious support to contemporary creators.

The distinctive feature of these competitions is that they enable creators to carry out personal projects in the fields of film or photography through the attribution of prizes worth up to 30,000 CHF (approximately 20,000 Euros).

Over the years, through the festival Images and its two Award competitions, Vevey has become closely associated with contemporary artistic creation and visual communication.

Juries composed of Swiss and international experts in the fields of film and photography will meet in May and June 2009 to examine the projects submitted and select those which are considered to be outstanding in terms of quality or originality. The projects that receive awards will be completed and shown at the next edition of the festival Images in September 2010.

Register online to the photography or cinema competition! The deadline for the submission of projects is 30 April 2009!

7th Vevey International Photo Awards.
Projects will be awarded up to CHF 30’000 (approx. Euros 20’000.-).
The completed projects will be shown during the next festival Images’ (Vevey-Switzerland).
Deadlines for registration – April 30th 2009

Raphaël Biollay
Fondation Vevey, ville d’images
Rue du clos – CP 443
CH – 1800 Vevey
T. +41 (0)21 922 48 54
F. +41 (0)21 922 48 55



PiX Magazine
African Photo Journal 



April 12, 2009 all day
Cape Town, South Africa
Organized by mopp (month of the peoples photography)
Cammisa collective presents the MAYBE TOMORROW photography exhibition.
We invite anyone sharing an interest in photography to submit images at moppmail@gmail.com, or visit www.mopp.org.za
Closing date for submissions is April 9, 2009.

February 2009 Opportunities & Resources


Juror: Sylvia Plachy

The New Orleans Photo Alliance is seeking documentary, fine art, and conceptual photographs that explore the theme of weddings. Photographers are encouraged to submit images that portray or comment upon the traditions, customs, symbols and the rich human tableau surrounding wedding rituals. 

Selected entries will be exhibited in the New Orleans Photo Alliance Gallery in June and July 2009, and will also be featured and archived on the Alliance’s online galley. 

Submissions Deadline: May 4, 2009
Exhibition: June 6 –  July 19, 2009

Submission is open to photographers of all levels using any photographic process. All art submitted must be original work created by the applicant.

Non-Refundable Entry Fee 
Members:$25, Non-members: $35, Membership + Submission: $45 ($15 savings)

Please follow the link below to submit online and to view the submission guidelines. http://neworleansphotoalliance.org/callEntry.php_

Sylvia Plachy:
Plachy’s photo essays and portraits have appeared in The New York Times Magazine, The Village Voice, The New Yorker, Granta, Artforum, Fortune, and other publications. They have been exhibited in galleries and museums in Berlin, Budapest, Chicago, Minneapolis, New York, Paris and Tokyo. Sylvia’s book, Self Portrait with Cows Going Home, a personal history of Central Europe with photographs and text, received a Golden Light Award for best book in 2004. Her first book, Sylvia Plachy’s Unguided Tour, won the Infinity Award from the International Center of Photography for best publication in 1991. Her other books are Red Light: Inside the Sex Industry with James Ridgeway  and Signs & Relics and Goings On About Town: Photographs for The New Yorker . Plachy has been honored with a Guggenheim Fellowship and a Lucie Award (2004). She has taught and lectured widely.

The New Orleans Photo Alliance is a 501c3 nonprofit organization founded in 2006 whose mission is to encourage the understanding and appreciation of photography through exhibitions, opportunities and educational programs. PhotoNOLA is a month long celebration of photography in New Orleans, coordinated by the New Orleans Photo Alliance in partnership with galleries, museums and photographers citywide. The fourth annual series of events are currently being planned for December 2009.

For additional information on The New Orleans Photo Alliance please visit www.neworleansphotoalliance.org
New Orleans Photo Alliance
1111 St. Mary St.
New Orleans, LA 70130

New Gallery Hours: 
Fri 3-6, Sat & Sun 12-4
or by appointment




Each semester, the School of Art at ISU hosts a number of distinguished national and international visiting artists for long-term residencies which last up to four weeks. The School of Art provides long-term visiting artists with studio space located in the Center for Visual Arts building. It is a private, Internet enabled 12 x 40 ft. space, intended for work on new or on-going projects. A privately owned, fully equipped, Internet enabled, furnished apartment in Bloomington’s historical district is available to artists throughout their stay. In addition, each receive a $3,300 stipend.

Travel and other expenses are the responsibility of each visiting artist. In the case of international artists, the residency may be  extended to 6 weeks (use of studio, apt., etc.). The 4 week seminar and stipend remain the same.

Long-term visiting artists give a one-hour public lecture on their work and teach a two hour weekly seminar on the topic of their expertise (four weeks total). The seminar, which may engage studio practice and/or theory, is open to both graduate and undergraduate students enrolled in the School of Art. Additionally, visiting artists develop their own creative research in a studio located in the Center for Visual Arts. The artists maintain an “open door” policy and are available to students who wish to engage in dialogue. They also meet with each of the students in the class individually (once) for critique/discussion sessions on the students’ work and ideas.

Visiting artists may be invited by art faculty to give talks in various classes, and are welcome to engage in the College of Fine Arts´ community life and activities.

Please note the application deadline is March 20.

Description of the Visiting Artist Program.


Claire Lieberman
Associate Professor of Sculpture
Visiting Artist Coordinator
School of Art
CVA Campus Box 5620
Illinois State University
Normal, IL 61790-5620





Call For Entries


The Darkroom Gallery is delighted to announce a call for entries for the group photography show Paraphrase. The object of the exhibition is to allow artists to revisit classical or iconographic photographs by offering their own interpretation of the theme or subject. The opening will take place during the Art for Art’s Sake 2009 event, at the peak of New Orleans’ cultural season.

We invite you to submit up to 10 photographs paraphrasing, spoofing, caricaturing, parodying or lampooning icons of photography for consideration in our Fall 2009 exhibition. With your submissions, please provide references for the works that are the subjects of your efforts, (artist, title, etc…) especially if the original work may not be widely recognized.

Juror: John H. Lawrence is the director of museum programs at the Historic New Orleans Collection where he is responsible for planning exhibitions and other aspects of public programming.

Eligibility: Open to all photographers using any printing process on any media. All art submitted must be the original work of the applicant.

Entry deadline: All entries must be submitted by Saturday August 22, 2009 at 6PM.

Notification: Artists will be notified by August 27th as to whether or not they have been selected.

Selected work: The framed artwork is to be delivered to The Darkroom no later than Saturday September 26th. In order to ensure a cohesive presentation within the group show format we request that prints abide by the guidelines for selected entries

Opening: Saturday October 4, 6-8pm at The Darkroom Gallery.

Sales/commissions: Sales are encouraged and proceeds from the show will be distributed the following way:
• 60% to the Artist
• 40% to The Darkroom

The Darkroom Gallery
1927 Sophie Wright Place
New Orleans, LA 70130