• Instituto Cultural de México


Instituto Cultural de México.

Arturo Betancourt, Luis Delgado-Qualtrough, Anely Guerrero, Alejandro Jurado Prieto, Bela Limenes, Michael Mehl, Nydia Mejía Zavala, Eliseo Mendoza-Altamira, César Ochoa, Stanley Shoemaker, David Silvan, William Villafaña.
Slanted Glances: Idiosyncratic Interpretations of Independence & Revolution in Mexico. Curated by Michael Mehl.

Josephine SacaboOyeme Con Los Ojos.
Coordinated by Michael Mehl in conjunction with Jennifer Shaw and the New Orleans Photo Alliance.

Josefina Niggli (1910 – 1983) • Halfway Child.
Curated by Michael Mehl and William Fisher. Presented by Gemini Ink and Instituto Cultural de México.

Patricia MendozaLand, Identity, & Image • Lecture.

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• City of San Antonio International Center


City of San Antonio International Center.
Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores • Sistema Nacional de Fototecas (INAH).
Casasola Archives: Mexico – Beyond The Revolution!Curated by Michael Mehl.
Presented by the City of San Antonio Office of Cultural Affairs
and Instituto Cultural de México.

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• San Antonio Museum of Art 1


San Antonio Museum of Art
Gerardo Montiel Klint and Fernando Montiel Klint.
No Escape: Photographs From The Brothers Montiel Klint.
Curated by David Rubin, Brown Foundation Curator of Contemporary Art.

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• San Antonio Museum of Art 2


San Antonio Museum of Art.
Tierra, Libertad, Y No Re-Elección: Photographic Images From The Mexican Revolution • Curated by Marion Oettinger Jr.

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• Southwest School of Art | Navarro Campus


Southwest School of Art Navarro Campus.

Kent Rush
In Choate And Sublime • Curated by Kathy Armstrong
Exhibition essay by Diana Roberts.

Alan & Blake WeisslingA Generational Influence • Curated by Victor Pagona.

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• Southwest School of Art | Ursuline Hall Gallery 2


Southwest School of ArtUrsuline Hall Gallery.
Ramin SamandariVeils Of Nephele • Curated by Kathy Armstrong.

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