FOTOSEPTIEMBRE USA 2011 Registration Deadlines

2011 Blog Promo_001

Eugenio Toussaint 1954 – 2011

In memory of our dear friend. May his journey be peaceful.


Read the rest of this entry »

February 2011 Opportunities & Resources

Press Release
The Festival of Ethical Photography of Lodi and ArtèFoto | International Festival of Photojournalism
of the province of Ancona are pleased to present the first edition of the World.Report Award – Italian Photojournalism Award.
Two emerging independent festivals that have come to the attention of the public thanks to the quality level and the international dimension of the guests present in the previous editions.
The Festival of Ethical Photography of Lodi, that will take place in Lodi from 19th to 22nd May 2011 was created and is managed on voluntary basis.
Its purpose is to bring the general public close to ethically significant contents using photography as communication and knowledge means and to offer different nuances of the fine relationship between ethics, communication and photography.
ArtèFoto | International Festival of Photojournalism, that will take place in the province of Ancona from 1st to 12th June 2011 screens photoreportages from all over the world prioritising those stories
that have not been published in Italy. The festival hosts roundtables with the reportages’ authors and organizes multidisciplinary events around photojournalism such as video-projections, stories,
workshops etc.
The project area focuses on social and documentary photoreportages such as people’s stories, social and cultural events and mankind changes.
The award is open to photographers from all over the world and who present social photography reportages.
The participation is free of charge and has no age limits; also the exclusive of the reportage is not a required condition.
The cash award of € 3,000 is intended as a support for those photographers committed in this difficult area of photography that brings people’s stories to the attention of the general public.
The jury will be composed of the two Festivals’ organizers.
Deadline for the reportage is 7th April 2011.
The complete Award description and the application procedure and form are available at:

Wildlife Photography

Veolia Environnement Wildlife Photographer of the Year is open to both professional and amateur photographers across the world. As one of the most prestigious competitions of its kind, it seeks to promote the discovery, understanding, responsibility and enjoyment of the natural world. Don’t miss out on your chance to be a winner this year!

• enter online – visit our website for rules, digital guidelines and categories

• entry fee for the Adult Competition is £20

• entry to the Young Competition is free

Translations of the rules and categories are now available on our website in the following languages – French, German, Italian, and Spanish. Chinese and Russian translations will also follow shortly.

Natural History Museum
London, United Kingdom


Vevey Festival Logo

8th Vevey International Photo Award


Festival Images is launching another round of its project competitions.

Artists, film-makers and photographers have until April 15th 2011 to enter the 8th Vevey International Photo Award and the 6th European First Film Award.

These competitions represent a unique form of support for contemporary original works, with a free choice of subject matter and genre.

The purpose of these competitions consists in providing crucial assistance for projects that have not been realised, in the form of various grants that amount to up to CHF 40,000 (around € 30,000), in order to bring a photography or film initiative to completion.

In May 2011, the various juries will choose the projects that will be supported by the festival. The winning projects will be realised within the following year and previewed at the next Festival Images in September 2012.

The 8th Vevey International Photo Award is open to all artists, and professional or student photographers. An amount of CHF 40,000 (around € 30,000) is awarded for the development, realisation and presentation of the winning project. There is also the potential to win other prizes and receive exhibitions proposals.

The 6th European First Film Award is solely open to film-makers who are European film school graduates (2010, 2009, and 2008). The Award, which amounts to € 30,000 in total, is split equally between three projects to start the film production off.

Subscribe now on the website and send your photo or film project before April 15th 2011.

Fondation Vevey ville d’images
CP 443, 1800 Vevey
+41 (21) 922-4854
| |



Noorderlicht calls on photographers, curators and photo agencies to submit work for

METROPOLIS, City Life in the Urban Age

We are looking for photo series that present a distinctive, even idiosyncratic vision on the character of the modern city. Economic, social or urban planning aspects can each play a role; the series may be literal or metaphorical. We are striving for a global picture; the group exhibition as a whole will be a journey through cities in all parts of the world.

The precise sub-themes will be set out in a following stage of the project. We would list several possibilities as examples:

• Symphony: The city as the effervescent economic and social nerve centre of modern society, a place for progress, interaction and infinite possibilities

• Mutability: Space that is the product of urban planning, with architectonic dreams of the good life for all the city’s inhabitants; from old ideals of equality to modern technology and sustainability

• Expansion: The urge for unbridled expansion in the name of progress, creating new chances but also pushing the old into oblivion; a place of migration, on the way to a better future, even if that means a life in the chaos of the slums

• Seduction: Where massive economic differences exist and everyone is seduced by a mass media landscape to seek greater wealth, where millionaires live next to the homeless

• Fear: Places where the individual can be swamped in a mass of strangers; where the demands of the rat race for success stand in the way of authentic living; where criminality lurks, security demands control and Big Brother is always watching

• Home: Small societies, seeking a place of one’s own in the large, anonymous world around one, or the excessive separation from that wider world; the creation of suburbs where affluent urban life can again appear rural; the shift of the social environment from the real to the virtual world.

Submissions can be sent to Noorderlicht between now and 31 March, 2011.

Tips from colleagues are also very welcome.

Do not however wait too long; the curatorial process begins as soon as work comes in.

We are using a special e-mail address for submissions:

See for details regarding submissions.

Correspondence regarding the theme can be sent directly to the curator Wim Melis, at his email address:

The Noorderlicht Photofestival 2011 will take place between 11 September through 9 October in the Der Aa-kerk, Groningen, the Netherlands.


Hemisfair Park Master Plane Logo

HemisFair Park, the landmark that iniated San Antonio as a tourist destination, is getting a makeover all its own. The first public workshop was a huge success with over 320 participants. It provided a wealth of ideas to start the visioning process for the HemisFair Park area. At this nextworkshop, we will continue discussions regarding opportunies for the site and build off of input collected at the first workshop. Join us to help develop the HemisFair Park Area Master Plan.

The public workshop is the second in a series of three public events aimed at collecting input and ideas for the master planning process being managed by the HemisFair Park Area Redevelopment Corporation (HPARC).

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Registration: 5:30 PM to 6:00 PM | Workshop: 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM

Online registration:

Sunset Station Depots 1 and 3
1174 E. Commerce Street, San Antonio, Texas 78205

For questions please call Linda Vela at (210) 785-0888

Contact information:
210-785-0888 |


Creative Capital Logo

Grant Opportunities from Creative Capital

APPLY NOW for a Creative Capital Grant!

Creative Capital is now accepting Letters of Inquiry for grants in Film/Video and Visual Arts.

The Inquiry Form will be available online until March 1.

Please visit to read the grant guidelines and access the Inquiry Form. Creative Capital provides integrated financial and advisory support to artists pursuing innovative and adventurous projects. We support artists whose work is provocative, timely and relevant; who are deeply engaged with their forms, yet also boldly original; who create work that carries the potential to reshape the cultural landscape.

To be eligible to apply, an artist must be:

• A U.S. citizen or permanent legal resident

• At least 25 years old

• A working artist with at least five years of professional experience

• Not a full-time student

About the Application Process
To apply for a Creative Capital grant, an artist must first submit an online Inquiry Form regarding his or her project. The Inquiry Form for Film/Video and Visual Arts is now available on the Creative Capital website. Inquiry Forms must be submitted by March 1, 2011. After the Inquiry phase, selected applicants will advance through two further application phases during the year, and grantees will be announced in January 2012. The Inquiry Form will reopen in February 2012 for Emerging Fields, Innovative Literature and Performing Arts.

Questions? Email



La Bourse du Talent

Constitution du dossier

L’inscription se fait à réception du dossier par

Le dossier est constitué des éléments suivants :

1- un travail photographique sous la forme, soit d’une sélection d’images cohérentes sur un sujet (15 à 25 tirages photographiques dont le format ne devra pas excéder le A3), ou une Petite Œuvre Multimédia (PŒM) d’une durée de 3 à 10 minutes maximum accompagnée impérativement d’une sélection de tirages des photographies parmi les plus représentatives de la série.
2- un texte de présentation sur le sujet présenté.
3- votre CV avec vos coordonnées (postales, téléphoniques et bien sûr un email).
4- votre autoportrait.
5- un CD-Rom comprenant les images numérisées (bonne définition 3000 pixels minimum dans la plus grande hauteur ou largeur), le texte de présentation, l’autoportrait et le CV (au format texte)
6- une enveloppe suffisamment grande et affranchie pour le retour du dossier si vous souhaitez qu’il vous soit renvoyé.
7- le règlement signé et un chèque de 10 euros pour les frais de gestion à l’ordre de EOLE/Photographie.

La dotation attribuée au lauréat

1- Nikon offre un reflex numérique D300S équipé d’un objectif AF-S DX 16-85mm VR. Les 12 photographes sélectionnés reçoivent de la part de Nikon une formation de leur choix à la Nikon School d’une durée de deux jours (cette formation devant être réalisée avant le 31 mars 2012).

2- réalise et met en ligne un porfolio par photographe sélectionné.

3- Une exposition regroupant les 4 lauréats de l’année sera organisée à la BnF (site François Mitterrand, allée Julien Cain) en fin d’année 2010. Picto réalise les tirages pour l’exposition de fin d’année à la BnF. Les organisateurs se réservent le droit de faire circuler l’exposition. A l’issue de l’opération, les candidats pourront récupérer leurs tirages en l’état.

Pour participer

1- Peuvent postuler les photographes professionnels français ou étrangers résidants en France, ayant peu publié et qui présentent un travail en prise de vue argentique ou numérique.

2- Les 12 dossiers sélectionnés seront présentés à un jury composé de 5 membres de la profession, représentatif de chacun des thèmes.

3- Les photographes garantissent aux organisateurs qu’ils sont propriétaires des épreuves proposées.

4-, organisateur de la Bourse et ses partenaires, Nikon, Inititiatives, Picto et la BnF, sont considérés comme ayant reçu des lauréats l’autorisation d’utiliser leurs photographies, de reproduire et diffuser, de quelque façon que ce soit, par voie d’affiche ou autrement, l’une ou plusieurs de leurs œuvres en vue de promouvoir la Bourse du Talent.

5- Les participants devront s’assurer par eux-mêmes et garantir aux organisateurs que les œuvres qu’ils auront sélectionnées ne portent ni directement ni indirectement atteinte aux droits des tiers ou qu’ils ont obtenu de ces derniers les autorisations nécessaires à toutes fins de reproduction ou exposition. Ils devront être en mesure de fournir ces autorisations si nécessaire.

6- Les lauréats acceptent la donation à la BnF de plusieurs tirages issus de l’exposition, afin d’intégrer la collection photographique du patrimoine français.

7- Les organisateurs de la Bourse du Talent déclinent toute responsabilité en cas de perte, de vol ou de destruction des tirages pendant la sélection par le jury. Toutefois, une assurance peut être prise par le candidat lors du dépôt du dossier.

8- Les organisateurs de la Bourse du Talent se réservent le droit en cas de force majeure d’annuler la Bourse du Talent.

9- Les dossiers sont a reprendre dans un délai maximal d’un mois suivant la délibération du jury.

10- La participation à la Bourse du Talent implique l’acceptation pleine et entière du présent règlement.

Le dossier complet est à déposer, ou à envoyer à:

Photographie / Bourse du Talent
à l’attention de la Rédaction de / Didier de Faÿs
15 rue du Sentier 75002 Paris.

Pour plus de renseignements : 01 42 21 08 08 ou




The Festival of Ethical Photography of Lodi and ArtèFoto | International Festival of Photojournalism of the province of Ancona are pleased to present the first edition of the World.Report Award – Italian Photojournalism Award.

Two emerging independent festivals that have come to the attention of the public thanks to the quality level and the international dimension of the guests present in the previous editions.

The Festival of Ethical Photography of Lodi, that will take place in Lodi from 19th to 22nd May 2011 was created and is managed on voluntary basis.

Its purpose is to bring the general public close to ethically significant contents using photography as communication and knowledge means and to offer different nuances of the fine relationship between ethics, communication and photography.

ArtèFoto | International Festival of Photojournalism, that will take place in the province of Ancona from 1st to 12th June 2011 screens photoreportages from all over the world prioritising those stories

that have not been published in Italy. The festival hosts roundtables with the reportages’ authors and organizes multidisciplinary events around photojournalism such as video-projections, stories, workshops etc.

The project area focuses on social and documentary photoreportages such as people’s stories, social and cultural events and mankind changes.

The award is open to photographers from all over the world and who present social photography reportages.

Participation is free of charge and has no age limits; also the exclusive of the reportage is not a required condition.

The cash award of € 3,000 is intended as a support for those photographers committed in this difficult area of photography that brings people’s stories to the attention of the general public.

The jury will be composed of the two Festivals’ organizers.

Deadline for the reportage is 7th April 2011.

The complete Award description and the application procedure and form are available at:


Voies Off Logo

Voies Off Prize :: Extension Until February 15

For the past 16 years, Voies Off has offered an alternative approach to emerging contemporary photography, its particularities, its evolutions, and its areas of resistance.

Voies Off night projections during the opening week of the Rencontres d’Arles festival (first full week in July) have become an international reference for the discovery of emerging authors and the alternative venue that it creates for international photographic creation.

Year after year, the selected themes have met the evolutions of our contemporary world with a critical eye. Over twenty different nationalities are represented at each festival. Every year over sixty candidates are selected for the programme of the night-projections.

Every July, the Voies Off prize is awarded by a jury of renowned professionals to an artist for the clarity of his/her vision and the high quality of his/her work.

The current amount of the prize is 2,500 euros.

Be part of the photographic alternative and participate in the 2011 Voies Off prize.

On-line applications from November 15, 2010, to February 15, 2011

Voies Off
26 ter rue Raspail
13200 Arles, France
+33 (0)4 90 96 93 82

January 2011 Opportunities & Resources

Senior Photography Specialist, New York.
For our internationally renowned auction house client, we are seeking a Senior Photography Specialist. The successful candidate will act as a primary business-getter for department, with focus on high-value property and developing long-term client relationships. Detailed knowledge of the international art market, a developed client list and strong general knowledge of photography with an emphasis on contemporary work is essential. The ideal applicant will have a BA in Art History or related discipline, M.A. preferred; a minimum of 5 years senior level experience in an art gallery or auction house; exceptional communications, interpersonal and organizational skills essential. This is an excellent position for a dedicated, career-oriented professional. Some travel required. Salary DOE and excellent benefits. Please send a resume, detailed cover letter and the names of three references to, Geri Thomas, President, Thomas & Associates, Inc., New York and Chicago,
Thomas & Associates, Inc. 
6 East 39th Street 
New York, NY 10016 
P. 212.779.7059 
F. 212.779.7096
About Thomas & Associates, Inc. /
With offices in New York City and Chicago, Thomas & Associates, Inc. 
is an innovative firm that offers staffing, consulting, and professional 
development workshops for museums, galleries and arts and culture 
businesses nationwide and internationally. The company has recently 
launched its career services division to address the needs of arts and 
culture professionals everywhere.
For employment opportunities and to subscribe to the quarterly 
newsletter, Art Career News, visit



Senior Photography Specialist, New York.

For our internationally renowned auction house client, we are seeking a Senior Photography Specialist. The successful candidate will act as a primary business-getter for department, with focus on high-value property and developing long-term client relationships. Detailed knowledge of the international art market, a developed client list and strong general knowledge of photography with an emphasis on contemporary work is essential. The ideal applicant will have a BA in Art History or related discipline, M.A. preferred; a minimum of 5 years senior level experience in an art gallery or auction house; exceptional communications, interpersonal and organizational skills essential. This is an excellent position for a dedicated, career-oriented professional. Some travel required. Salary DOE and excellent benefits. Please send a resume, detailed cover letter and the names of three references to, Geri Thomas, President, Thomas & Associates, Inc., New York and Chicago,

Thomas & Associates, Inc.
6 East 39th Street, New York, NY 10016
P. 212.779.7059 • F. 212.779.7096 

About Thomas & Associates, Inc.

With offices in New York City and Chicago, Thomas & Associates, Inc. is an innovative firm that offers staffing, consulting, and professional development workshops for museums, galleries and arts and culture businesses nationwide and internationally. The company has recently launched its career services division to address the needs of arts and culture professionals everywhere.

For employment opportunities and to subscribe to the quarterly newsletter, Art Career News, visit

Merry Christmas!

Christmas Tree Blog


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