FOTOSEPTIEMBRE USA 2011 Registration Deadlines

2011 Blog Promo_04

May 2011 Opportunities & Resources

On the 6th of the month, 6 photographers and 6 of their photos are presented online like 36 exposures on 1 roll of film with differents ways to see. To participate in this selection, please send your pictures (in Jpeg 500 X 700 pixels and 72 dpi) via email or weblink.The selection will be made, from the images we receive and from or the websites discovered online.
VISAVIS WORKSHOP proposes workshops in Italy and Paris. Each workshop accommodates 9 students for 9 days with 9 books at the end. The course is run by celebrities from the photography world who share their techniques, aesthetic approach and expertise with you.

Online Selection

On the 6th of the month, 6 photographers and 6 of their photos are presented online like 36 exposures on 1 roll of film with differents ways to see. To participate in this selection, please send your pictures (in Jpeg 500 X 700 pixels and 72 dpi) via email or weblink.The selection will be made, from the images we receive and from or the websites discovered online.

The Workshops

VISAVIS WORKSHOP proposes workshops in Italy and Paris. Each workshop accommodates 9 students for 9 days with 9 books at the end. The course is run by celebrities from the photography world who share their techniques, aesthetic approach and expertise with you.

Nathalie Luyer
VISAVIS Editions
7 rue Barbette 75003 Paris France
tél: 01 40 29 00 79 – fax: 01 40 29 05 45 /


Voies Off Logo

Call For Volunteers

We are looking for enthusiastic and motivated people who want to help with the organisation of the Voies Off Festival 16th edition, from the 2d till the 10th of July.

More details:

Voies Off
26 ter rue Raspail, 13200 Arles
+33 (0)4 90 96 93 82

FOTOSEPTIEMBRE USA 2011 Registration Deadlines

2011 Blog Promo_03

April 2011 Opportunities & Resources

Deadline May 31, 2011
Established in 1979 in honor of W. Eugene Smith, the legendary American photo essayist, the Smith grant is given to a photographer who is demonstrating an exemplary commitment to documenting the human condition in the spirit of Smith’s humanistic photography and compassionate dedication. Administered by the W. Eugene Smith Fund for Humanistic Photography, an independent non-profit organization, the grant provides photographers with the financial freedom to continue or complete a major photographic project. The grant represents the most prestigious honor in the field of documentary photography.
Applications can be downloaded downloaded or may be obtained by writing to the W. Eugene Smith Memorial Fund, c/o International Center of Photography (ICP), 1133 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10036, USA.
The W. Eugene Smith Memorial Fund independently administers the grant program that provides photographers with the financial freedom to carry out or complete major photographic essays. For 2011, the amount of the grant will be $30,000. An additional $5,000 in fellowship money will be dispersed, at the discretion of the jury, to one or more finalists deemed worthy of special recognition. Awards will be presented in a ceremony held in New York City in early October.
Guidelines and application:
Lenswork Logo

Just a reminder of the ongoing opportunities offered by Lenswork, one of our favorite resources for publishing, fine art editions, podcasts, education, RSS Feeds, and news services; all in the spirit of furthering the best of contemporary photography.

Submitting Portfolios to Lenswork

We always enjoy the opportunity to look at new work. In fact, about half of what we’ve published in LensWork and LensWork Extended comes from submissions that were originally unsolicited, that is to say, from readers and subscribers like you. We love giving exposure to photographers who are doing good work but are not plugged-in to the publicity machines that galleries and traditional publishers provide!

Please review our Submission Guidelines and feel free to send in your work for consideration.

Obviously, we can’t publish everything that is submitted, but we also can’t publish work that isn’t ever submitted! The best way to start is to send in the work and let us take a look. Thanks!

Please note that we do not review websites nor do we accept submissions via e-mail.

LensWork Publishing
909 3rd Street, Anacortes, WA 98221-1502, USA
USA Toll Free Voice: 1-800-659-2130 | Fax: 1-800-866-7459
Non Toll Free Voice: 360-588-1343 | FAX 503-905-6111


Smith Grant

Deadline May 31, 2011

Established in 1979 in honor of W. Eugene Smith, the legendary American photo essayist, the Smith grant is given to a photographer who is demonstrating an exemplary commitment to documenting the human condition in the spirit of Smith’s humanistic photography and compassionate dedication. Administered by the W. Eugene Smith Fund for Humanistic Photography, an independent non-profit organization, the grant provides photographers with the financial freedom to continue or complete a major photographic project. The grant represents the most prestigious honor in the field of documentary photography.

Applications can be downloaded downloaded or may be obtained by writing to the W. Eugene Smith Memorial Fund, c/o International Center of Photography (ICP), 1133 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10036, USA.

The W. Eugene Smith Memorial Fund independently administers the grant program that provides photographers with the financial freedom to carry out or complete major photographic essays. For 2011, the amount of the grant will be $30,000. An additional $5,000 in fellowship money will be dispersed, at the discretion of the jury, to one or more finalists deemed worthy of special recognition. Awards will be presented in a ceremony held in New York City in early October.

Guidelines and application:






FOTOSEPTIEMBRE USA 2011 Registration Deadlines

2011 Blog Promo_02

March 2011 Opportunities & Resources

Photographers Wanted : Focus Project 2011 – An International Call for Photography
You are invited to participate in The Focus Project, a photography competition seeking the most compelling imagery in the world. Over the course of this project, selected photographers will be featured on their homepage and have a chance at life-changing reward and recognition.
This is your chance at over $75,000 in prizes and cash awards, a gala reception in New York City and 
career-defining exposure for you and your work. PLUS, one dozen photographers will be selected to receive $2,500 and a published feature. 

Get your work seen and launch your career.
Your next deadine is THIS SUNDAY March 13th 11:59pm EST
The Focus Project seeks to launch the careers of the best emerging photographers while looking for the most compelling and dynamic photographs out there. You’re invited to share your work and show us the world through your unique lens.
This announcement courtesy of:
1000 Words Photography
49 Mowlem Street | London | E2 9HE | Editor-in-chief: Tim Clark |
Follow us on Twitter @1000wordsmag
Diplomado UNAM

Fotografía, Multimedia, Realidad Virtual, Redes Sociales


Una visión integral multidisciplinaria aplicada al periodismo, la cultura, el arte, la arquitectura y el urbanismo

La división de Educación Continua de la Facultad de Arquitectura, de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, convoca a profesionales de las áreas de Arquitectura, Urbanismo, Fotografía, Comunicación, Diseño, Artes, así como a estudiantes universitarios que requieren la profesionalización en el uso de la imagen para la comunicación de mensajes y proyectos a través de las nuevas tecnologías digitales.

Para inscribirte debes asistir a cualquiera de las dos pláticas introductorias:

Primera Plática Introductoria: 15 de Abril de 2011, a las 17hrs. ENTRADA LIBRE
Segunda Plática Introductoria: 6 de Mayo de 2011, a las 17hrs. ENTRADA LIBRE


Posgrado de Arquitectura UNAM. Segundo piso. Al final de la rampa.
Ciudad Universitaria. Junto al Centro de Lenguas Extranjeras (CELE)

FECHA DE INICIO DEL DIPLOMADO : 3 de junio de 2011

FECHA DE TERMINO DEL DIPLOMADO : 14 de Octubre de 2011
ENTREGA DE DIPLOMAS : 14 de Octubre de 2011
SESIONES: Viernes de 17:00 a 21:00 hrs
Sábados de 8:30 a 12:30 hrs (Algunos sábados las sesiones duraran 6hrs)
Según los requerimientos, técnicos o logísticos, algunas sesiones se llevarán a cabo en la UNAM, otras en la Fundación Héctor García y otras en el Foro Iberoamericano de Fotografía.


A través del análisis, la discusión y los talleres se explorarán y conocerán, de forma teórica y práctica, las herramientas más importantes de la imagen y los multimedia, para su utilización en la comunicación eficaz de proyectos para su aplicación al ámbito social, cultural, la arquitectura, el urbanismo, el arte y el periodismo.


Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Facultad de Arquitectura UNAM, Foro Iberoamericano de Fotografía, en colaboracion con Economía, Política, y Ambiente de los Programas de Maestría y Doctorado en Arquitectura y Urbanismo de la UNAM
Fundación Héctor García, Secretaría de Cultura de la Ciudad de México, ArteLugio Sobreviviente AC.


El diplomado, con valor curricular de la UNAM, está integrado por tres módulos, organizados con diferentes temáticas que serán expuestas por especialistas de distintas disciplinas para que el alumno pueda conocerlas de manera independiente y en su interrelación multidisciplinaria con la fotografía, los multimedia, el internet, el periodismo y algunos aspectos teóricos inherentes.


Algunas claves de la Percepción (38 hrs). Conocer los principios de la percepción, enfocados al trabajo interdisciplinario de las materias en las cuales la imagen guía la construcción de proyectos culturales.
• La fotografía de arquitectura como concepto
• Post fotografía: la fotografía a partir de las tecnologías digitales
• Conversando con Rafael López Castro: “Percibiendo la imagen”
• La imagen como documento social
• Palabra escrita e Imagen
• Percepción, Fotografía, Medios Alternativos, Multimedia


La imagen, un soporte de información (52 hrs). Profundizar en la construcción de la Imagen a partir de las nuevas tecnologías de la información.
• Espacio, realidad, percepción e interpretación
• Teoría del color e imágenes digitales
• Redes Sociales, claves en la fotografía en el escenario digital
• Lectura y esencia del espacio urbano y social
• El auto-estereograma, herramienta para la percepción de ambientes 3D en la Fotografía
• Fotografía, diseño de iluminación y espacios arquitectónicos
• Realidad Virtual
• Perspectiva y Representación virtual


La comunicación como fenómeno social (30 hrs). Dimensionar las posibilidades de la comunicación aplicadas a la generación de proyectos arquitectónicos y urbanos.
• Interpretación de los signos y códigos culturales en el ambiente urbano a través de la imagen fotográfica
• Conversando con Andrés Garay: “Una mirada al fotoperiodismo”
• El lenguaje gestual y corporal, lectura y transformación
• Conversando con María García: “Una vida protegiendo la imagen”
• La fotografía como herramienta para la protección del medio ambiente y la ecología
• Sustentabilidad y Comunicación


El diplomado está dirigido a los profesionales y académicos interesados o involucrados en las artes visuales, fotografía, comunicación, el periodismo, la arquitectura, el urbanismo, el diseño; interesado en el análisis y aplicación de la imagen para la transmisión de mensajes.

REQUISITOS DE INGRESO : 1. Currículum vitae 2. Carta de exposición de motivos 3. Contar con cámara fotográfica digital.
REQUISITOS DE PERMANENCIA PARA OBTENER EL DIPLOMA : 1. Cumplir con el 80% de asistencia 2. Haber acreditado cada Tema de acuerdo con los criterios establecidos.
COSTO : $15.000.00. Descuento del 10% para académicos y estudiantes con credencial vigente. Posibilidad de pagos parciales. Cupo limitado a 30 alumnos.


Coordinador : M. Arq. Enrique Villaseñor, Posgrado de Arquitectura UNAM, Foro Iberoamericano de Fotografía
Directo: 5554362989, Celular: 5554362989, E-Mail:

Coordinación académica : Dr. Hermilo Salas Espíndola, Arq. Héctor Ferreiro
División de Posgrados Arquitectura, Ciudad Universitaria UNAM


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Third Ward_02

3rd Ward Open Call

3rd Ward is a member-based art and design center for creative professionals in New York City. Committed to providing resources, opportunities and a dynamic-creative network, our space houses four gorgeous photo studios, a professional wood & metal shop, a fully loaded digital media lab, shared & private work space and a large selection of interdisciplinary art classes.

This is your home for creativity. We strive to enhance people’s lives and careers by giving them new ways of problem-solving in this changing world. We recognize that ideas matter and support creative endeavors that empower our members, students, and community.


Focus Project

Photographers Wanted : Focus Project 2011 – An International Call for Photography.

You are invited to participate in The Focus Project, a photography competition seeking the most compelling imagery in the world. Over the course of this project, selected photographers will be featured on their homepage and have a chance at life-changing reward and recognition. This is your chance at over $75,000 in prizes and cash awards, a gala reception in New York City and 
career-defining exposure for you and your work.

PLUS, one dozen photographers will be selected to receive $2,500 and a published feature.

Get your work seen and launch your career.

Your next deadine is this Sunday March 13th 11:59pm EST.

The Focus Project seeks to launch the careers of the best emerging photographers while looking for the most compelling and dynamic photographs out there. You’re invited to share your work and show us the world through your unique lens.

This announcement courtesy of:
1000 Words Photography, 49 Mowlem Street | London | E2 9HE |
Follow us on Twitter @1000wordsmag